Kitchen area:
- Empty Trash
- Inside Microwave
- Glass Surfaces
- Mirrors
- Stovetop and Countertops
- Exterior of Appliances
- Backsplash
- Sink
- Sweep and Mop Floors
- Outside of Stove Hood
- Shelves
- Outside of Trash Can
- Sweep Floors
- Make Beds
- Mirrors
- Shelves
- Empty Trash
- Mop Floors
- Light Dusting of Furniture
- Vacuum Floors
- Shower
- Tub
- Polish Faucets
- Mirrors
- Empty Trash
- Toilets
- Glass Surfaces
- Sweep Floors
- Counters
- Shelves
- Mop Floors
- Sink
Living Room:
- Glass Surfaces
- Empty Trash
- Mirrors
- Shelves
- Mop Floor
- Light Dusting of Furniture
- Vacuum Floors & Rugs
- Outside of Appliances
- Glass Surfaces
- Empty Trash
- Sinks
- Sweep Floors
- Counters
- Light Dusting of Furniture
- Mop Floor
- Mirrors
- Shelves
- Vacuum Rugs
Dinning Room:
- Glass Surfaces
- Empty Trash
- Mirrors
- Shelves
- Mop Floor
- Light Dusting of Furniture
- Vacuum Floors & Rugs